Success Force

Success Force

Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash

My transition into tech was birthed out of boredom and the hunger to earn more. At some point, working at my current job at a secondary as the school accountant was becoming boring and unexciting as it has become a routine. I just wanted something more challenging and wanted to earn more especially.

Now, searching for another job for me was not a solution as I just imagined, that the circle will continue. Then I asked myself what could I do? To earn better and also find fulfilment at it. What exactly do I love doing? These and more questions I asked myself. Then I said to myself, "Nneka, you love the computer, the Internet generally. " I actually love the Internet, I love to surf the web😄 then boom! I know what I want!

Then, another round of question🤔 what will you be doing exactly? That would make you happier and increase your income? Yeah, I love success. 😉. I prayed, yes. I asked God to help me and show me.

The day finally came in November 2021, when I saw a post on my secondary school old student platform with this inscription "if you are a lady and honestly interested in pivoting to Tech, check out the classes available below and hit me up with a copy of your CV and interest letter. I have fully paid access for 5 persons.". 💃 I said to myself "this is it!" That same day I started the process but unfortunately, I scored below the entry point. But that didn't discouraged me for it was an eye opening for me.

I started joining groups to get more information and find another bootcamps to help my transitioning easy as I didn't want to learn alone. Youtube usually is my first call to find resources and was learning on my own. The first day I wrote a line in HTML, it felt like I found a goldmine 😄. Then I stumbled on a video on YouTube about Arit Amana's journey into tech. Oh my! I was encouraged and she became my role model. I am currently learning with her ☺️and so excited about the journey ahead.

It's not going to be rosy all the way but I have got alot of GRIT to last a very long time. Thank you so much for reading.

Your girl Nkcode😊