HTML Tags : intro

HTML Tags : intro

HTML is an abbreviation for "hypertext markup language". Hypertext is a software system that allows extensive cross-referencing between related sections of texts and associated graphic materials, "hypertext link". This idea of a hypertext link is what HTML was initially known for.

In this article, I will describe HTML in simple terms and highlight the basic HTML tags in their categories.

HTML defines the nature of the content that is being written to the browser. It describes to the browser how the content should look. The HTML document specifies to the browser whether such content is a heading, paragraph, or link. It also specifies if it is the main content or the footer. It does this using special characters named tags.


The tags are made of three parts:

  1. Opening tag
  2. Content and
  3. Closing tag

HTML tags categories:

  • Head tags
  • Body tags

Meta tags/head tags:

These are :

  • Title tag <title> </title>
  • Style tag <style></style>
  • Link tag <link/>
  • Meta tag <meta/>
  • script tag <script></script>

    They contain the HTML file data. These tags define the document title, character set, styles, and other meta information; which are not displayed on the browser.

Body tags:

These tags mark up the body content of an HTML document. The text contents, images, table contents, form contents, etcetera.

They include:

<button></button> <form></form> <input/> <thead></thead> <th></th> <td></td> <tbody></tbody> <table></table> <video></video> <img/> <audio></audio> <span></span> <cite></cite> <code></code> <br/> <a></a>
<ul></ul> <p></p> <ol></ol> <li></li> <div></div>


Tags in an HTML document differentiate it from normal document. There are more of these tags that define the layout of an HTML document. However, I examined above the basic HTML tags.